Saturday, April 2, 2011

im baccck XD

hmm.. its been so long since i've touched here xD hmm.. so many things have happened since my last post xD Mostly are happy ones ^^.. hehee.. XD hmm.. i wish it could last forever :DD <3 .. XD :D :D .. ..
but PMR is coming >.< xD worst death of every form 3 student xD hahaa.. XDD
its gonnna reach sooner or later .. so better get prepareXD i just wish you wouldnt pressure me so much == xD .. so i'll be back.. in a few months xD HAHAHA XD whenever im toooo freee :)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Tomorrow.. xD

Tomorrow i guess is gonna be a busy day.. LOL... gonna go to Cz'z koko housee.. LOL.. and trash his place.. haha.. and then.. will go to eat lunch with hy.. sarah.. bryan and Cz koko.. haha.. hope tmrw will be a very fun and happy day.. actually.. for everybody.. i hope everybody has a wonderful day tmrw.. =).. and later.. we'll go to wai lim's place.. for a *celebration*.. its celebrating finishing of exam.. hehe...^^.. and i guess we'll swim whole day i guess.. LOL.. *i wish no one pushes me down the water*..LOL.. and later.. i guess we'll be eating dinner.. then dont know.. LOL.. then go back..LOL.. haha..


Song.. it can make you sad or even happy..
sometimes when you're sad.. you tend to listen to sad songs.. and you cry..
But sometimes.. when you're happy.. even though you listen to the sadest song in the world.. nothing can bring you down.. :)

Creating a new blogg..

creating a new blog may past my time.. may kill my time.. wish i hope kill me too..
apparently.. its so easy to delete a blog.. LOL.. im so stupidd.. haha..
i wish this new blog may be my little diary.. LOL..